These are some of the areas of work we are involved with in respect to children and adolescents. We work with mainstream, inclusive and special schools and help them detect and handle children with difficulties on an individual basis. We even visit the school regularly if needed. We also help schools and colleges by conducting workshops for specific groups of children in any of the above mentioned areas. These workshops are conducted during school hours and in the school itself. We also conduct specific workshops for teachers and parents in numerous areas of child development and child psychology which are discussed in a later section. In a competitive world, it is essential that children and adolescents have a psychological edge when it comes to dealing with world and what the future beholds for them. The focus of all our workshops is always to offer individualized, practical, affordable and applicable solutions to any problem at hand. We also offer individual consultation for children and adolescents with problems with a prior appointment.


Asperger's Syndrome

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Bed-wetting and Enuresis

Anxiety and Worry


Suicide Prevention Programmes in Schools

Mental Retardation (Intellectual Impairment)

Scholastic Backwardness

Learning Disability

Cerebral Palsy

Muscular Dystrophy

Stress management for school children

Sleep and Sleep Related Problems

Anger Management

Internet usage and internet related problems

Bullying in school

Epilepsy and related disorders

Selective mutism

Managing Adolescent Crisis

Love and Relationships in Adolescence

Sex Education for school children (6-12 years)

Sex Education for adolescents (13-16 years)

Positive Lifestyle Training

Exam Stress Management

Time Management

Improving Parent Child Relationships

Cyber-bullying (Internet related bullying) and related issues

Enhancement of Study Skills and Study Management

Enhancement of Self Esteem

Overcoming Shyness and Social Withdrawal

How to Build a Better Teenager

How to turn Boys into Confident Men

Trauma related issues in children and adolescents

Child Abuse – Physical and Sexual

Street Children and Children in Orphanages

Teaching children to use Multiple Intelligences

AIDS (HIV) related awareness and education

General Health Related Issues

Drug Abuse & Alcohol related education and awareness