De Sousa Foundation has tied up with Beacon High to release annual informative booklets on mental health.
Parenting is a complex phenomenon. Today more so than ever parent child relationships are not like they were few decades ago.
This booklet is a small step in the direction of providing parents with activities that they may do with children and give them newer ideas that shall give further impetus to the notion of quality time spent by parents and children together.
This booklet covers all that is needed for one to understand the nuances of special education and remedial sessions.
The booklet has been authored by Special Educator and Counsellor, Ms. Alisha Lalljee
Dementia is a complex condition characterized by memory loss on one hand and deterioration of intelligence and personality on the other
This booklet is a collection of various articles on different facets of dementia. The aim of the booklet is to create awareness that dementia is a multifaceted and multipronged condition and it needs multiple agencies to work in its prevention and management.
In today’s increasingly digitally connected world it is incumbent on educators such as us to provide a framework on which our students can be guided towards informed, sensible social networking.
As educators, we have to ensure that kids understand the difference between “enough” and “too much”, and to delineate boundaries for the same.
We have to do this NOW.
Attention Deficit Disorder accompanied with Hyperactivity or without Hyperactivity is commonly associated with lack of attention / concentration.
In every classroom There are at least 5 to 6 children with ADHD that are undetected and not helped while help is easily available.